About me

Hi, there! I am a PhD student at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech), advised by Nakadai Kazuhiro and affiliated with Nakadai Lab, Systems and Control Engineering. I am interested in multi-modal AI, especially in Computer Vision (CV) and NLP for sign language translation. I am also a visiting researcher at NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories, working on sign language technology.

I did my master’s at Tokyo Tech where I graduated as the Sole Best Graduate from Systems and Control Engineering, and I did my undergrad at Dalian University of Technology advised by Fan Xin and graduated as one of the outstanding graduates.

I come from China and am doing my adventures in Japan. I am a tarot lover (my favorite card is the world) and a newbie in Pilates.
I welcome collaboration; contact me, please!

Recent News

  • 😊08/ 2024: I started working as a visiting researcher at NHK STRL.
  • 🎉05/ 2024: I presented two of our works for sign language translation at Signlang workshop, LREC-Coling 2024, Torino, Italy.
  • 🎉03/ 2024: I graduated as the best graduate from Department of Systems and Control Engineering, Tokyo Tech!